What has Jamie Haller been doing doing to “leave this world a better place”? An update on our 2012 ASB scholarship recipient

Jamie Haller with her students in Columbia
“My week in New Orleans helping to rebuild a home destroyed by Hurricane Katrina was incredible and by far, one of the most rewarding weeks of my life”, said Jamie Haller in 2012. Jamie was able to spend her one week spring break from college working to help Katrina victims as a result of a Casey Feldman Foundation scholarship stipend which covered Jamie’s expenses for the trip. After that spring break experience, Jamie “vowed to leave this world a better place.” What has Jamie been up to in the three and a half years since her work in New Orleans and has she been working toward that goal?
After graduating in May of 2014 with a degree in International Affairs and a minor in Education, Jamie knew that she wanted to head abroad to work in the realm of education, something she reports that, “I’ve always been passionate about.” This led Jamie to Guatemala where she obtained a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate. Jamie then worked at a language school in Antigua, Guatemala teaching adults and the local tourist police force for five months.
Wanting to make more of an impact, Jamie accepted a teaching opportunity in Colombia. The program was right – it involved working in underfunded and under resourced public schools where there is little access to quality English education. Jamie reports being grateful for her six months in Colombia where she learned a lot about herself as a teacher, her students and life in general.
Jamie is currently in New Mexico, teaching environmental stewardship at an outdoor education school for elementary students. From there?
Jamie has accepted an inviation to work for the Peace Corps in March of 2016. She will be heading onto to the Dominican Republic for 27 months to volunteer as a Literacy Promoter!
According to Jamie, “My experience with Alternative Breaks at CU Boulder has been such a huge stepping-stone to get me to where I am today. The leadership skills gained, the friendships formed, and the confidence I’ve obtained from my two Alternative Break experiences, have helped me grow as a person and work toward achieving many of my goals.” I want to especially thank Dianne and Joel and the Casey Feldman Foundation for granting me this opportunity. It is an honor to help Casey’s legacy live on.”
And, it is an honor to have Jamie Haller as one of the recipients of a scholarship which bears Casey’s name. In answer to the question? In everything that Jamie has done already, she will no doubt have already accomplished her goal of leaving this world a better place.
Support our efforts in fostering a generation who want to leave this world a better place and assist us in increasing the number of students who can participate in an Alternative Spring Break. Donate to the Casey Feldman Foundation

Jamie Haller
Related Links:
Scholarship Recipient Vows to Leave this World a Better Place, Oct. 2012 (Casey Feldman Foundation article about Jamie and her Alternative Spring Break experience)
About the Alternative Spring Break Program (CU Volunteer Resource Center)
Alternative Spring Break Scholarships Fostering a Generation Who Wants to Give Back , Nov. 2014 (Casey Feldman Foundation)